- Salt 加鹽 (RNGCrypto Services Provider) 系統自動產生
- Iterator 迭代次數 (增加加密次數,增加複雜度,同時也增加運算效能時間)
- Password (你手中掌握的加密Password)
- Data (要加密的資料)
- TripleDES (Data Encryption Standard) 進行三次對稱加密
- IV 向量 (矩陣)
先取得系統的鹽 (Salt):
// Create a byte array to hold the random value. byte[] salt = new byte[8]; using (RNGCryptoServiceProvider rngCsp = new RNGCryptoServiceProvider()){ // Fill the array with a random value. rngCsp.GetBytes(salt); } //要顯示出來可以使用 StringBuilder StringBuilder SALT_STRING = new StringBuilder(); foreach(byte v in salt){ SALT_STRING.Append(v); }
private void doEncrypt(object sender, EventArgs e){ int Iterations = 1000; //迭代次數 string EncryptData = "你要加密的資料"; string KEY_PASSWORD = "你的密碼 (用於加密)"; Rfc2898DeriveBytes k1 = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(KEY_PASSWORD, EncryptSalt, Iterations); TripleDES encAlg = TripleDES.Create(); encAlg.Key = k1.GetBytes(16); MemoryStream encryptionStream = new MemoryStream(); CryptoStream encrypt = new CryptoStream(encryptionStream, encAlg.CreateEncryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write); byte[] EncryptDataToUTF8 = new System.Text.UTF8Encoding(false).GetBytes(EncryptData); encrypt.Write(EncryptDataToUTF8, 0, EncryptDataToUTF8.Length); encrypt.FlushFinalBlock(); encrypt.Close(); byte[] encryptedData = encryptionStream.ToArray(); EncryptedData4Decrypt = encryptedData; k1.Reset(); //EncryptIV = encAlg.IV; 這個 encAlg.IV 要用來解密的。 StringBuilder ENCRYPTED_DATA_STRING = new StringBuilder(); foreach (byte v in encryptedData){ ENCRYPTED_DATA_STRING.Append(v); } richTextBox2.Text = ENCRYPTED_DATA_STRING.ToString(); //顯示加密後的資料 }
private void doDecrypt(object sender, EventArgs e){ string ENCRYPT_DATA = textBox3.Text; //要解密的資料 string KEY_PASSWORD = textBox2.Text; //你的密碼 string ENCRYPT_SALT = EncryptSalt; //要用原本的鹽來解密,這裡的 EncryptSalt是設定在全域變數,以拿到剛剛加密的鹽。 Rfc2898DeriveBytes k2 = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(KEY_PASSWORD, ENCRYPT_SALT); TripleDES decAlg = TripleDES.Create(); decAlg.Key = k2.GetBytes(16); decAlg.IV = EncryptIV; //這個 IV 就是剛剛加密時的IV, 這裡的 EncryptIV 也是設定在全域變數,已拿到剛剛加密的IV。 MemoryStream decryptionStreamBacking = new MemoryStream(); CryptoStream decrypt = new CryptoStream(decryptionStreamBacking, decAlg.CreateDecryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.Write); byte[] ENCRYPT_DATA_TO_BYTE = EncryptedData4Decrypt; decrypt.Write(ENCRYPT_DATA_TO_BYTE, 0, ENCRYPT_DATA_TO_BYTE.Length); decrypt.Flush(); decrypt.Close(); k2.Reset(); string data2 = new UTF8Encoding(false).GetString(decryptionStreamBacking.ToArray()); richTextBox3.Text = data2; //顯示解密的資料 }